Houspect provides professional Dilapidation Inspections and reports for private or commercial property owners in the Northern Territory.
For any private or commercial property owner renovating or extending a residential property, or a commercial company commencing a civil engineering or infrastructure project, a council assets dilapidation inspection is often a condition of approval by the Local Council Authority.
A dilapidation inspection can be ordered by a Local Council Authority to record the condition of the council assets adjoining construction works prior to construction activity taking place. The resulting Council Assets Dilapidation report records the condition of the designated areas and documents any existing structural or building defects in the council owned assets.
A dilapidation inspection ensures that any damage to council assets occurring after the commencement of the construction can be identified. This damage can be caused by the delivery of construction materials, cranes, excavation equipment and rock-breaking machinery to your construction site via local roads and crossovers. Such damage may occur to buildings, road surfaces, kerbs, footpaths and trees etc.
By conducting a Houspect Dilapidation Inspection on designated council assets in the vicinity of your construction, you can protect your interests by identifying the existence of damage and cracking, prior to the commencement of your project.
What Does the Report Provide?
A Houspect Dilapidation Inspection report is a comprehensive and independent document completed in accordance with Australian Standards.
Our qualified building inspectors will document and photograph the current condition of any council assets in the vicinity of the construction site (including infrastructure and buildings). The dilapidation inspection will show any existing cracks, damage and building defects, as well as the general condition of the council assets and infrastructure where the building work is about to commence.
These dilapidation reports help to avoid any long disputes over damages that may have been caused by the construction work in the future and will resolve potential complaints easily.
Your report also contains a glossary of technical terms to help you understand the report.
About the Houspect Building Inspector
All Houspect Building Inspectors are licensed builders with many years’ experience in the industry. Our inspectors will provide expert, independent and unbiased information on the condition of the property.
What Does Our Council Assets Dilapidation Inspection Cover?
Our Council Assets Dilapidation Inspection includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Road surfaces
- Footpaths
- Kerbs
- Nature strips
- Trees
- Signposts
- Retaining walls
- Furniture
For more information or to book a Council Assets Dilapidation Inspection in NT, call Houspect on 1300 258 789, email us at info.nt@houspect.com.au or complete our online enquiry form.