House Cooling Tips
Keeping your Northern Territory home cool can be a challenge. Barbeques and spending time in the pool is all fine and well but you will have to go inside at some point.
When you open the doors of your home and are met by a furnace it is a good indication that your energy bills are set to increase. The alternative is cooling your home the natural way. Taking the eco approach to cooling will save you money and feel better than the recycled air that comes from air conditioning systems.
Utilise Windows
A tip on how to cool down a house is by utilising your window the right way. Most people think that opening windows when it is hot outside is the most logical cooling solution. However, that’s not how the science works. You are more likely to cool your home by keeping windows closed – especially in the south-facing side. As an additional step, you should shade these windows with blinds that keep the heat out.
It is okay to open windows in certain circumstances. For instance, if there is a through draft in your home when windows are opened, this creates an airflow that is cooler than static air. In most cases, a through draft is created by opening windows in opposite ends of your home. However, it is still important to keep those blinds shut to reflect the heat of the sun while air is able to move freely.
Heat rises. If you have sash windows, equal distribution of airflow is said to help keep a home cool. That means opening both windows to the same degree. The idea is that cooler air will enter through the lower part of the window and exit through the top window.
Insulation Considerations
Insulation is severely underrated when it comes to cooling a home. If you think that insulation is designed to keep a home warm, you are seriously mistaken. Insulation is also designed to keep heat out during the summer – so long as your insulation is fit for purpose. Roof, loft, and cavity insulation can prevent heat from building up in your home.
Power Saving
Another good house cooling tip is considering modern electrical appliances such as televisions, cable boxes, and consoles can generate a large amount of heat – even on standby. When these devices are not in use, power them down completely. The additional benefit of shutting down devices that overheat is giving components such as masterboards and hard drives the chance to cool down.
Cooling Fans
Our final tip on how to keep house cool is utilising fans. If you don’t already have fans installed in your home, consider your options.
Mobile fans are great for moving more air out of your home. The trick is making sure that the fan is pointing upwards so that warm air is pushed out of an overheated space. Of course, that also means positioning the fan in such a way that air is pushed out of the room. That means placing your fans against a wall that is opposite a door or open window for best results. The idea is to make sure air is being pushed out of the room and replaced with cooler air.
Ceiling fans can also do a great job. Always consider airflow when trying to expel hot air from your home. Once you get the principles right, it becomes much easier to keep the heat at bay.