Owning and maintaining a home is a big responsibility, but the right repair tools and maintenance tips allow for easy living. Smoothly navigate your home’s seasonal upkeep.
When the sun is out and warm weather is finally here to stay, put in some time for home maintenance such as the small paint jobs, clean the gutters, check the roof. Setting up your garden is both healthy and satisfying. On hot days plan to do some work early when it is cooler then switch to beach mode or get out for a relaxing day.
If you’ve neglected your house recently, it’s a good idea to check the structure to make sure it’s both safe and functional. Painting any timber such as weatherboards or windows can help to preserve the building.
Deal with mould. Long periods of damp weather can cause condensation, which can lead to mould appearing in bathrooms but also to external walls. If you spot signs of mould make sure you deal with the problem as soon as you can. Possible causes for mould include insufficient ventilation, along with cracks in the wood. Clean the mould and for bathrooms clean the fan, or if you there is no fan have one installed by qualified trades.
Check the foundations. Try and get into the habit of checking the base of your house every few of months. If you notice subsidence, you may need to contact a professional to assess the causes and advise of remedies.
Appliance servicing; In summer have your gas heater serviced and ask the technician to check the hot water service at the same time. In winter have trades check your air conditioners.