Why do Clients need Staged Construction Inspections when Building a New Home in WA?
Houspect clients building new homes will often start the new home construction journey with varying degrees of knowledge, understanding and confidence on what the construction journey entails. Builder relationships with clients generally start very positively and some end on the same positive note, while others wane or even become hostile by the end of the construction, potentially adding considerable angst to what should otherwise be a rewarding process.
At Houspect, we provide our clients with solid independent guidance, support and advocacy during the construction of their new home. We support our clients by providing detailed assessments of the construction at each key stage along the construction journey. Typically, our inspections are conducted at the following stages:
During Construction:
- Slab Down (each level)
- Walls to Plate Height (each level)
- Floor, Wall and Roof Framing/Cover (for framed homes)
- Roof On (each level)
- Lock Up (and wet area waterproofing)
- Practical Completion /Handover
Post Construction
- Defect liability inspection
- Independent expert reports
The objective of these progressive stage construction inspections is to provide you, the home owner, with confidence that the construction is proceeding according to the approved plans, Building Code of Australia and applicable Australian Standards. Residential constructions will take many months and sometimes, more than a year to complete. As the build progresses, some construction work may become hidden or covered by subsequent works or installations. Having a number of inspections undertaken at key construction stages can help avoid hidden problems manifesting after you move in.
What are the benefits of Stage Construction Inspections?
The building inspector’s role is not an adversarial role with your builder. The building inspector provides an independent set of qualified and very experienced eyes to review and check your new home construction at regular intervals. Each inspection is provided to you in a detailed inspection report and our clients simply share these reports with the builder as soon as they are provided. If you have any particular concerns with the construction, our building inspector can review these when he is on site reviewing your construction.
Interestingly, Houspect also checks new home constructions on behalf of some of Perth’s largest new home builders as a part of their own quality assurance programs. Some construction site supervisors even appreciate our reports, as they provide valuable feedback on the condition and progress of the construction.
What does a Houspect Construction Inspection Report deliver?
Our staged construction inspection report delivers peace of mind that the construction work on your building project is being carried out in accordance with the approved plans, Building Code of Australia, applicable Australian Standards and that workmanship meets good industry standards.
The reports are designed to help you understand and if necessary, assist you to communicate with your builder in relation to rectifying any issues or defects occurring during the construction phase. Our reports help avoid such situations by promptly addressing problems before they become an issue or lead to a construction dispute.
What’s covered in a Houspect Construction Inspection?
Although most builders strive to achieve a good standard of work, Houspect building inspectors still find all sorts of defects during construction and renovations. Our inspectors have an extensive checklist of inspection items for every key stage.
Construction Package Pricing (4 or more Construction Stages)
Where clients appoint Houspect to undertake four or more staged construction inspections over the period of their construction, we offer packaged pricing arrangements.
Package pricing requires our clients to purchase the nominated construction inspections at the outset of the build. Construction package clients will then receive the benefit of:
- A 15% discount on the price of key stage inspections
- A dedicated Houspect client service staff member to work with you through the entire build
- A dedicated building inspector who will undertake all construction inspections for you
The goal of our Construction Package is to provide you with consistent and quality support during the entire build period so that you can be assured that your new property has been built in accordance with the approved plans, the Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards.
About your Houspect Building Inspector
In WA, building inspections and building inspectors are unregulated. As a consequence it is important that you have total confidence in the quality, skills, experience and professionalism of your building inspector. At Houspect WA:
- Every one of our building inspectors is a WA Registered Builder in their own right. Their Builders Registration number is recorded in every report.
- Every building inspector has a minimum of 20 years direct construction industry experience.
- Our building inspectors are fully insured with Professional Indemnity and Public Liability.
- Every inspection report produced by Houspect WA is subject to a minimum of two levels of quality assurance review prior to being released.
- Our state wide clients and building inspectors are supported by a dedicated, knowledgeable and experienced customer service team based in our Balcatta operations centre.
- All calls, enquiries or bookings are addressed promptly and professionally by our customer service team during our business hours of 8.30 am to 5.00 pm.
- Our building inspectors are located across the entire Perth metropolitan area and in most major regional centres in WA.
Houspect WA or its Directors maintain a number of important professional memberships including:
- Master Builders Association of WA
- Housing Industry Association
- Strata Community Association of WA
- Australian Institute of Conveyances WA
During the 20 plus years of operating in WA, Houspect has conducted in excess of 50,000 quality building inspections.
Buy, build and invest with confidence with Houspect WA.
For more information or to book a Construction Stage Inspection, call Houspect on Ph: 9240 8855, email us at info.wa@houspectwa.com.au or complete our online enquiry form.